Monday, January 16, 2012

The Year of the Golden Rabbit Is Upon Us! Chinese New Year 2011

According to the ancient Chinese calendar, 2011 is known as the Year of Golden Rabbit, and is considered a lucky year! The custom of assigning an representative animal to each year stretches back at least 4,000 years, and is recognized all over Asia; from China to Singapore, not to mention China-towns the world over. You may remember eating at Chinese restaurants and examining the fascinating place mats. What you were really doing was researching your Chinese birth sign!
Those born in a Rabbit Year (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, and 1999) are thought to be sociable folks who thrive in the presence of others; including teachers, counselors and other specialists in communication. Often possessing artistic sensibilities and good taste, "Rabbits" also value solitude, private space and time to be alone.
Even if you are not a "Rabbit," don't worry - every Chinese Year also provides general suggestions that apply to everyone, regardless of birth year. For instance, in a Rabbit Year, it is suggested to relax your nerves and calm your breath. Try making a priority of the things that are truly important, like your home, family and close relationships, especially with women and children. After you are in a calm personal space with your priorities straight, it will be much easier to deal with any problems that may arise.
We can all take a cue from those born in Rabbit Years. While some may call them cautious or even timid, "Rabbits" don't usually undertake anything before they have weighed the pros and cons from every angle. This year, we should be inspired to take stock of our situation and protect the people that are most dearest to us.
A great example is your life insurance policy. If something happens to the head of your household, is your policy enough to pay for the education of your children? What about the mortgage? No one can be sure of what the future holds. You can use tools like online life insurance calculators to gauge your needs and investigate costs.
This special and lucky year provides us all an opportunity to take a breath and evaluate our priorities. Align yourself with the Year of the Rabbit and aim to be reasoned, relaxed and reflective in your decision making.
If you want to find out what your Chinese Zodiac sign is, you can use Horoscope Online at
Ileana Bravo is the Director of Media & Investor Relations at LifeQuote, the national leader in Term Life Insurance.
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Where to Invest Money in 2011

It's time to decide where to invest money and where not to invest for 2011 and beyond. The flow of money and the investment tide could be changing, so you'll want to invest money with your eyes wide open going forward. Here we look at safe investments, stock funds vs. bond funds and gold.
What does the flow of money and a changing tide have to do with where to invest in 2011 or 2012? Where money flows in - prices rise. Where it exits from prices fall. In recent years gold has soared to all time highs. In the stock funds vs. bond funds arena investors have flooded bond funds with money inflows of hundreds of billions of dollars as bond prices climbed. Stock funds watched money run for the exits. There had been a rising tide in gold and bond fund prices as 2011 approached the scene. This will change if investors decide to invest their money elsewhere.
WHERE TO INVEST MONEY IN SAFE INVESTMENTS: Safe investments pay interest, and very little of it these days. If you see a higher interest rate on what appears to be a bank CD, look twice before you invest money. Make sure it is federally insured by the government because there are misleading imitations out there. If you have money in a retirement plan at work or with a life insurance company, check to see if they offer a fixed or stable account option. These safe investments often pay the best rate around. Do not invest money in the average bond fund if you need high safety. For 2011 and 2012, these are not necessarily safe investments. Go with safe money market funds instead.
WHERE TO INVEST MONEY TO EARN MORE INTEREST: For almost 30 years as INTEREST RATES FELL, bond funds were the place millions of average investors put their money to earn higher interest income, with relative safety. With interest rates near record lows the risk of owning these funds now somewhat offsets the potential rewards. Rule #1 in regard to bond funds: when interest rates go up, fund prices (values) fall. Rule #2: long-term fund prices fall the most. Do not invest money in long-term funds unless you are willing to bet that interest rates will fall further in 2011-2012. Instead, go with a mix of short-term and intermediate-term funds.
WHERE TO INVEST MONEY FOR GROWTH AND INCOME: In the stock funds vs. bond funds debate for 2011, stock funds are the favorite in the growth department. Bond funds are not growth investments. Frankly, I'd shy away from stock funds that invest your money in growth and smaller-company stocks that pay little or no income in the form of dividends. Instead go with general diversified stock funds that invest in large-cap company stocks that pay good dividends. It will be nice to have some dividend income in case the tide for stocks goes out. Consider putting some money in real estate stock funds for income and to add even more diversification to your portfolio.
In 2011 and 2012 the issue of where to invest money will likely focus on stock funds vs. bond funds. Gold is bound to be in the headlines as well. At over $1300 an ounce, gold has become a speculation. If you invest in gold keep one eye on the exits. The average investor needs to invest with a long-term strategy that includes both stock funds and bond funds. Go for dividends in the stock category and avoid long-term in the bond department. Invest money like the investment tide was ready to turn, because it could in 2011 if INTEREST RATES RISE.
Author James Leitz teaches investment basics, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, investing and how to invest in his investing guide for beginners called INVEST INFORMED. Put Jim's 40 years of investing experience to work for you and learn how to invest at today.
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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Big Bankruptcies in 2011

The end of a year is a good time to start over - hence the ongoing tradition of making New Year's resolutions. In the weeks leading up to and following January 1st, people all over the world are contemplating what went wrong and what went right in the previous year and setting goals to start fresh. A fresh start will be particularly appealing for companies that faced financial hardship in 2011 - especially if it led them to file bankruptcy.
Here's a look at a few big bankruptcy cases from the past year:
1. MF Global
Not only does this bankruptcy top the list for 2011, it ranks as one of the biggest bankruptcies in history. The numbers alone are enough to make this one go down in the annals of financial ruin (we're talking $41 million in assets), but even more flavor is added to the case with a big name in the company's CEO office. Jon Corzine, a former New Jersey Governor and Senator, came on board as MF Global's CEO in October 2010 - just a year before the company filed for bankruptcy. Corzine has since resigned from the position.
2. AMR Corp
Airline bankruptcies have been all over the news in recent years, but this parent company of American Airlines managed to avoid the original party. It is busy catching up now, however, filing bankruptcy with $25 million in assets. AMR Corp is based out of Houston, and now holds the title of the 100th airline company to file bankruptcy since 1990.
3. DYNEGY Holdings
This Texas power plant almost kicked the bucket about a decade ago but managed to pull itself together. Its most recent bout with financial hardship, however, did not have the same ideal ending.
4. PMI Group
This holding company is based out of California, but it was Arizona insurance regulators that seized the company's primary subsidiary, PMI Mortgage Insurance Co. This seizure drastically reduced claim payouts and prompted the bankruptcy filing that came in late 2011.
5. NewPage Corp
This leading paper distributor produces coated paper from several mills located throughout the eastern half of the United States. It's clear that the increasing dominance of the online world has made a negative impact on the paper industry, and NewPage is no exception. After a year of negative cash flow, the company filed Chapter 11 in early September.
6. Integra Bank Corp
This financial institution's voluntary bankruptcy filing came after not-so-voluntary bank closures by an outside federal source, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The smaller, regional bank filed bankruptcy the day after closure of several of its branches in the Midwest. Insured deposits were moved to another regional banking institution.
7. General Maritime Corp
This company isn't the only one in the shipping industry struggling, but it is the biggest name that filed for bankruptcy this year. The company, which operates mostly in the Atlantic Ocean and large seas from the Caribbean to the Mediterranean, is the world's second-largest operator of mid-sized tankers. Oversupply in the shipping industry crippled General Maritime Corp just like it did many shipping companies, and it filed for bankruptcy in November 2011.
8. Borders Group
The growing popularity of e-reader devices such as the Nook and the Kindle contributed to taking this big-name bookstore's legs out from underneath it. The company began liquidating its stores in February 2011, and its last store closed its doors in September. The Borders website now redirects to Barnes & Noble, its former competitor - showing that even on its way out, Borders still promoted the non-electronic book industry.
Katie Hawkes is a freelance blogger for JacksonWhite Attorneys at Law, a leader in representation of people facing bankruptcy in AZ.
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Humana Medicare Supplement Plans for 2011 - A Great Private Insurance Carrier

For people over the age of 65, there can be nothing more stressful than dealing with Medicare. If health insurance for seniors was as easy as simply registering for the government program, then there would be no problems. Unfortunately, the government program does leave a gap. You have probably heard various specialists and professionals in the healthcare industry talk about this gap. What they are referring to is the fact that Medicare does not cover costs such as deductibles and co-pays. The good news is that the private insurance providers offer Medicare supplement plans. These are federally regulated plans that are meant to help you pay for the extra costs that Medicare does not cover.
What many people appreciate about supplemental Medicare insurance is that it allows them to choose the provider of their choice. Many people have had good experiences with one particular carrier, such as Humana. This supplement system allows them to continue to get services from Humana. If this is the case for you, then you will want to look into Humana Medicare supplement plans for 2011. What's great about the Humana service is that they make getting insurance for seniors incredibly easy. As a matter of fact, all you have to do is get online and take three simple steps by entering your location, comparing the available plans, and then signing up for the plan that works for you.
When you are looking at the Humana plans for supplemental Medicare insurance, you are going to find that they are the same plans that other providers offer. This is not because Humana is not a competitive company. On the contrary, by federal law, all insurance providers must offer the same Medicare supplement plans. What changes among providers are the costs of the premium and the ease of working with that particular provider. If you have worked with Humana before then you know that they have an outstanding reputation for being the most affordable and most accessible insurance provider.
When you are comparing Humana Medicare supplement plans, you are going to find that there are plans A through L. Plan A is always going to be the most basic plan with the most affordable premium. Likewise, L is going to offer the most coverage, though it will also offer the most expensive premium. You will want to take some time to compare the various plans and decide which will give you exactly what you need.
Dave Miller recommends visiting this updated site for more information on Humana Medicare Supplement Plans and coverage options available.
For More Information regarding Medicare supplement insurance options visit this site at
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Five Insurance Marketing Must-Dos for 2011

Will 2011 be your big year for reinvention and growth? Many experts believe that the economy is ready to start moving forward, and I for one, hope to be moving with it. Below I've listed five insurance marketing tactics (many of them free) that I believe will be pivotal to insurance marketers in 2011 and beyond.
  1. Web analytics -The marketing hub and the measuring stick of any business is its website. Want to know how your press release performed? Check your website. Want to know if your direct mail had impact? Your insurance website will tell you... but only if you're tracking analytics. I'm amazed at how many insurance professionals still aren't tracking their analytics. Google Analytics is a free tool that you can download instantly and ask your webmaster to install on your site. Once it's there, you have access to a wealth of information.
  2. Search engine optimization - While an insurance website is essential, it only works if it shows up first for key search phrases in your targeted niche. If you sell pizza in Lake Oswego and a pizza buyer searches "pizza Lake Oswego" and your company is not on the first page of search results, guess what? You're not getting the sale. Your site has to show up!
  3. LinkedIn groups - Social marketing results can be hard to measure, but not in this case. Once you have a LinkedIn profile, you can join a number of professional groups. As a member of these groups, you can post notices, articles and announcements for free. I have one client who accesses more than 400,000 potential clients by posting to all of his LinkedIn groups. That same client conducted a little experiment last fall and used his Web analytics to compare his website traffic when paying for an e-blast versus posting for free on his LinkedIn groups. LinkedIn generated four times the traffic.
  4. Information marketing - It's easy to do - just publish e-zine articles and online press releases. By demonstrating expertise in your particular field, you'll attract new prospects and help cement current relationships. It's also an effective way to build many paths back to your site, generating more online traffic. Instead of having an insurance website with one door, build a site with 5,000 doors. Every time you publish online, you create many more links back to your site, exponentially increasing traffic. You can do this yourself or you can get someone to help - just make sure you're publishing frequently, at least once a month. This strategy is one of the fastest growing trends of the future.
  5. Follow up - Most people don't decide to buy the first time you interact with them. In fact, according to a survey by the National Sales Executive Association, 90 percent of prospects decide to buy after the THIRD contact. Here's the problem - 73 percent of salespeople stop calling after the SECOND contact, so the sale is never made. Sales letters and e-newsletters solve this problem by automating the process and making follow-up effortless.
This list could have included 500 points, because as you know, there are countless ways to market your business. I chose these insurance marketing tactics because they can be accomplished quickly and inexpensively, with great results.
By Heather Sloan. Heather Sloan is the President of Heather has been helping insurance professionals grow their businesses for more than 15 years. To learn more, visit - make sure to get your ready-to-use sales letter 6-pack today!
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Small Business Medical Insurance and the Impact of Health Care Reform

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), otherwise known as the "Health Care Reform Act" was signed into law on March 23, 2010 by President Obama. Most of the initial provisions did not go into affect for 6 months, or September 23, 2010. The bill is a whopping 2000+ pages long, with a 14-page Table of Contents! It's no wonder that most employers have little comprehension of what is contained in the bill, and less understanding of how the bill will affect their business. To understand the impact of the bill on your business, you should contact a specialist who is an expert on small business medical insurance plans and is familiar with the Act.
In the meantime, we will take a cursory view of health care reform, and a year-by-year snapshot of changes to come. Hopefully, it will provide a starting part for discussion.
The Act contains five key provisions:
1. The requirement for all US citizens and legal residents to have health insurance;
2. Penalties for employers who do not offer health insurance for their employees;
3. State Based Health Exchanges created to offer cost effective insurance options
4. Premium credits for low income individuals;
5. Eliminates pre-existing condition and annual/lifetime benefit limits
A Year by Year Look at Health Care Reform
Some changes went into effect in 2010, such as coverage for adult dependents (dependents until age 26), and several more will happen in 2011. The most significant changes, however, will not go into effect until 2014. Below is a snapshot of key changes that will be going into effect in the coming years:
· No pre-tax reimbursements from "health accounts" for non-prescribed, over the counter medications,
· 20% tax on nonqualified HSA withdrawals,
· Reporting the value of employer sponsored coverage on w-2's (delayed)
· Automatic enrollment in long term care program, employer may opt out (delayed),
· Drug company fees: $2.5 billion in 2011, $4.2 billion in 2018
· Uniform explanation of coverage,
· Pre-enrollment document sent explaining benefits and exclusions,
· 60 day notice for material modifications, if not provided in uniform explanation of coverage,
· FSA contributions limited to $2,500,
· New federal employer tax, $2.00 per covered individual per plan year
· Medicare payroll tax increase from 1.45% to 2.35%,
· Employer notice to employees of exchanges, premium subsidies, and free choice vouchers,
· Individual mandate - every citizen must have coverage,
· Individual penalties for not purchasing coverage,
· Guaranteed issue,
· State health exchanges effective
· Standard benefit plans, (bronze, silver, gold, platinum),
· Waiting period not more than 90 days,
· Employer penalties for not offering coverage or at least one FTE receives a tax credit,
· Health insurance company fees: $8 billion 2014, $14.3 billion 2018, 2019 prior year amount increased by premium growth rate.
· Cadillac Tax. 40% tax on plans value in excess of $10,200 single, $27,500 family.
Penalties for Non-Coverage
As stated, most of the act's important provisions will become effective in 2014. The most relevant law for employers is the penalty they will face for non-coverage of employees. The exact penalties are complicated to calculate, base on numerous factors. Some of the basic guidelines are outlined below:
Employers with more than 50 employees:
· If coverage is not offered by the employer and even one full-time employee (FTE) receives a premium tax credit, the employer will pay a fee of $2,000 per FTE, excluding the first 30 ee's.
· If "affordable" coverage is not offered and one FTE receives a premium tax credit, the employer will pay the lesser of $3,000 for each employee receiving a tax credit, or $2,000 for each FTE. Affordable coverage is defined as an employee cost of health insurance, less than 9.5% of household income and the actuarial value of plan is at least 60%.
· A Voucher will be required if the employee contribution exceeds 8% of household income.
All Employers:
· Employers that offer coverage are required to provide a free choice voucher to employees with incomes less than 400% of the Family Poverty Level (FPL), whose share of premium exceeds 8% but less than 9.8% of their income and who chose to enroll in a plan in the Exchange.
· A Voucher equals to what the employer would have paid to provide coverage under the employer's plan. Employers providing free choice vouchers are not subject to penalties.
Employers with 200 or more employees
· Required to automatically enroll employees into health plans offered by employer. Employees may opt out.
If the provisions of the health care reform act sound complex, they are! We highly recommend you consult with a specialist who is an expert on small business medical insurance plans and is familiar with the Act. Feel free to contact CPEhr's benefits specialist with any health care reform questions.
Ari is the Director of Marketing at CPEhr, a leading Los Angeles based Human Resources services consulting firm. CPEhr specializes in providing and managing medical insurance for small business, along with an array of comprehensive HR services for small employers. With 15,000 serviced employees nationwide, CPEhr is one of the largest privately-held PEOs in the nation.
CPEhr provides business leaders peace of mind through their team of experts in the following key areas:
- Human Resources Administration
- Employment Compliance
- Employee Benefits
- Risk Management and Workers' Compensation
- Payroll and Tax Administration
- Management and Employee Training
- Recruiting Services
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Friday, January 13, 2012

2011 Tax Deductions for Long Term Care Insurance

When the Health Insurance and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was signed into a law, it has created improvements on health insurance, and the most significant adjustment made was the tax deduction for long-term care insurance policies. The HIPAA added the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 7702B that mandates all long term care insurance contracts to be treated as tax deduction under certain rules and limits.
Recently, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced the increased LTC insurance tax deduction for 2011. Jesse Slome, executive director of the American Association for Long Term Care Insurance (AATCI), announced the increase that will benefit more small business owners.
The deductions for qualified LTC premiums for the year 2011 under Section 213(d)(10) are the following:
  • 40 or less - $340
  • More than 40 but not more than 50 - $640
  • More than 50 but not more than 60 - $1,270
  • More than 60 but not more than 70 - $3,390
  • More than 70 - $4,240
Source: IRS Revenue Procedure 2010-40
What Is a Tax-Qualified LTC Policy?
LTCi policies are considered tax-qualified if they meet certain provisions as prescribed by law. There are few requirements that will tell if your policy is tax-qualified or not:
- The policy should be guaranteed renewable
- The disability should drag long for the benefits to be paid
- A licensed health care practitioner should state if the individual is "chronically ill." This should be done within 12 months
- There must be either or both of the two events that exist before a certification is given. First is the inability to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) for at least 90 days. The policy must have at least five ADLs. Second is the need for supervision due to severe cognitive impairment
- Non-forfeiture and inflation protection must be offered by the insurer, but are not required in the policy
- Benefits under qualified long term care policies cannot copy benefits from Medicare
Premiums for qualified long term care insurance (the definition is discussed below) are treated as tax deductible if they exceed the 7.5 percent of the insured's adjusted gross income (AGI). These premiums are not only deductible for the insured; the deduction applies to his or her spouse and other dependents. Meanwhile, the tax deductions for the self-employed and business owners are treated differently.
Self-Employed, partnership, LLCs, S Corporation
Self-employed individuals may deduct a percentage on their premiums as business expense. The percentage follows the age-based limits used in individuals. However, the limit on Adjusted Gross Income does not apply and you can deduct 100 percent of the eligible amount.
C Corporations
C-corporations can deduct 100 percent of all tax-qualified LTC insurance premiums as business expense for all employees, their spouses and dependents. The employer's contributions for the premiums are not included in the employee's contribution.
Learn all the guidelines to long term care insurance planning. Find out more about long term care CLASS act - the latest program that could help you prepare for LTC.
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2011 Federal Tax Return for Unemployed - 3 Benefits for 2011 Federal Tax Return in Unemployment

For 2011 Federal Tax Return for unemployed, there are a lot tax rebates that are available to lower tax liability.
Here are 3 of the important ones available, so as to help you getting a good value of tax refund from the 2011 Federal taxes:
1. COBRA insurance - It allows unemployed individuals and their families to receive health insurance for up to 18 months after employment is terminated. Before the act, individuals had to pay the full premium, which was generally pretty expensive. With the new act, individuals are only responsible for 35 percent of the premium in 2011 for up to nine months, and the employer is responsible for the other 65 percent.
The employer is then entitled to a payroll income tax credit for that 65 percent. That reduces the tax liability for 2011 Federal income return.
2. Retirement account distributions - Support for many unemployed taxpayers in 2011 is their retirement account. Many of these plans are subject to a 10% penalty on early withdrawals, as well as the distribution being taxable when received. However there are some exceptions, one of them is -
2011 IRA Federal income that are used to pay qualified higher education expenses of the taxpayer, the spouse, or any child or grandchild of the taxpayer or the taxpayer's spouse.
3. 2011 Job Hunting Expenses - Several Job-hunting expenses like Employment agency fees, job counseling and referral services,classified ads,travel for interviews,costs of resumes,telephone/Internet costs are deductible to the extent they exceed 2% of adjusted gross 2011 Federal income.
These are top 3 tax breaks that should be utilized when filing 2011 Federal Tax return for unemployed.
2011 Federal Tax Return
For knowing the various options available for filing 2010 tax returns for unemployed and finding which is the best option, click on the link below -
Unemployment Tax Return
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

2011 Landlord Insurance Checklist - Ensure Proper Protection and Rental Profit

Each New Year marks a great chance for landlords to review and adjust their insurance policies to save money or provide better protection. The month of January is usually the time most landlords review rental income projections and plan for the next year. I will discuss what each rental property owner should review on their insurance policy and what questions to ask your agent.
Before I get into the details each landlord should have a rental property insurance policy or sometimes called landlord insurance. If you don't have this specific type of policy on your rental you face the risk of losing a lot of money if something happens to that unit or its tenants. The difference between a standard homeowner's insurance policy and a landlord policy is the protection you need for an income property. This includes loss of rental income and liability protection with having tenants in that home. If you don't inform the insurance company that the property is rented to others they can deny a claim so be sure to get the proper protection.
The number one goal of a landlord usually is to make a profit from their rental property but many landlords don't realize that having proper insurance can secure that profit. Let's assume a landlord makes $400 per month in profit on his/her income unit but during that year the unit has a broken water pipe and causes massive damage. If that landlord has the proper insurance coverage expenses like lost rental income and property damage during that claim won't wipe out all that year's profit. Here is a checklist to use while reviewing your landlord insurance policy in 2011:
Dwelling Coverage - This protects the structure of the house you rent including anything directly attached to it. It is a good idea to get estimates from builders in your area for reconstruction cost to ensure proper coverage. Most insurance companies will increase this coverage by inflation each year but if you add-on or remodel your home be sure they have this new information.
Landlord Liability Coverage - It makes sense to get the maximum amount of liability coverage since it usually is inexpensive to increase. Expect $1 million in landlord liability coverage to add another $30 per year to the policy. This is very cheap when you think about the amount of protection it provides. In the event you have assets greater than $1 million you should consider getting an umbrella policy which will protect you from liability claims on all your policies.
Loss of Rents Coverage - If your tenants ever have to move out while the home is being repaired for a covered loss this coverage provides the loss of rental income up to one year. Some companies offer longer periods of protection but the key is to take the current annual rental income and make that the loss of rents limit. Most tenants will come back to your property if they know you have corrected the problem and other to break the lease during reconstruction.
Renters Insurance - None of your tenant's personal property will be covered on your landlord policy so make each tenant have renters insurance while they rent from you. They will be happy you informed them of this in the event something is stolen or damaged by a covered loss. Have a required level of coverage such as $20,000 personal property and $100,000 in liability. This will ensure your rental property is covered in the event they cause damage to the unit.
Make 2011 a profitable year by taking the time now to review your landlord insurance policy. In addition to having proper protection there is a good chance you will save money by shopping around. Get landlord insurance quotes from top companies in your area this New Year.
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Why Are 2011 Cars Safer Than Ever Before?

Driving the safest car you can afford will not only bring you peace of mind but lower car insurance rates as well. The best car insurance companies are willing to reward you for investing wisely in a new car with as many safety features as possible. Today auto safety is not only focused on helping you survive an accident, although new 2011 car design has improved in that area, but it is also about preventing accidents before they happen, which means protecting passengers and anyone else near the vehicle.
In the past, only high-end vehicles came equipped with additional safety components and in many cases, those were not standard but had to be specially ordered and paid for. Today, it is no longer the biggest, most expensive vehicle that is guaranteed to be the safest. In fact, a small and lightweight Mini Countryman Crossover 2011 car recently won the 5-star top rating from the New Car Assessment Programme's (NCAP) crash testing. Larger and heavier, luxurious vehicles are no longer always the safest ones on the road, and that's good news for those of us who can't afford them anyway.
One of the most critical features that contributes to the ability of a vehicle to keep its passengers safe is its structural integrity. Improvements in building a lighter but stronger, more tensile steel frame have resulted in a protective cocoon for those inside the car. Deformation zones actively delay the level of impact and push it towards "crumple zones" rather than into contact with the passengers. Add shock absorbing interiors, reinforced roofing, protective pillars and roll bars and you have a much safer steel cage that is built to withstand high impact without crushing the people inside. Since a big piece of car insurance goes toward possible accident injury to those riding in the car, car insurance companies may bring down your premium price because you have bought a vehicle with better passenger protection.
Seat belts and air bags have also been improved in the newer 2011 models. The 3-point inertia reel or smart tension seatbelts keep passengers in place, even during a collision. They also adjust according to the outside sensor arrays. Airbags are not just for the driver. Passenger front and side bags are now built to deploy in gradual stages with less impact and chemicals that do not burn your skin. Some vehicles even include rollover airbags and airbag curtains for complete body protection.
The ability to avoid accidents completely is a newer, innovative approach that several car manufacturers are addressing. As the Volvo people proudly like to announce, "No one will be killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo car by 2020. Electronic Stability Control (ESC) systems designed to prevent rollovers complement anti-lock braking systems (ABS), automatic reduced speed and braking systems (ESC), traction control and tire pressure monitors. Lane departure avoidance equipment and rear-end collision prevention technology is new to the market but very promising.
When asking for free car insurance quotes for your new vehicle, make sure you tell the agent all the safety features that were standard or added to your car. It could save you money in the long run.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Death of Return to Invoice Gap Insurance - RIP

Your insurance company pays you your cars valuation of the day it was written off.
Wait a minute you wisely bought gap insurance from your dealership when your bought the car so you are one of the lucky ones you protected yourself against just this type of situation or did you?
Standard return to invoice gap insurance which is the type of insurance offered by most main dealerships literally pays the difference between your bikes valuation and the invoice price you paid.
Sounds good well no actually it may not be, let me show you what I mean....
2011 You are lucky enough to treat yourself to a new lets say Ford Focus. You haggle and manage to get a fantastic deal for £15,500.
2013 You car is stolen, its valuation is £10400. Your return to invoice gap insurance policy pays you the difference to take you back to the £15,000 you paid.
But wait they changed the model just after you had bought your car. Yours was a good specification diesel and the cost of the new model is now closer to £18000.
So hold on your protected yourself against this happening and your are still £3000 short????
The latest style of gap insurance called VRI - (vehicle replacement insurance) would pay the difference between the cost of your Focus's valuation and the cost of the same or nearest model. In this example you can not buy another new, old shape Ford Focus so the next nearest model is £18000. You would now receive a cheque for £7600.
Vehicles are assets that lose value of time but that does not stop the manufacturer increasing the price.The vat increase in January put an average of over £500 per new car and in recent years some manufactures have increased their list prices by over 10 % for example.
Ford KA 1.3base level petrol
• List Price 2007 £7,995
• List Price 2011 £8,545
• Difference £560
Toyota Avensis 2.0 D Estate base
• List Price 2007 £16,350
• List Price 2011 £20,065
• Difference £3,715
VW Golf GTI 2.0 FSI 3dr Petrol
• List Price 2007 £20,607
• List Price 2011 £25,045
• Difference £4,438
That is still a large amount of capital needed.
So dose vehicle replacement gap insurance - VRI mark the death of return to invoice styles of insurance?
We think so but the choice is yours?
Jackie Verdier
Aequitas Automotive Limited
FSA 541186
BIBA 000652
VRI Gap Insurance
Gap Insurance
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Car Insurance Is a Must, But You Can Negotiate With the Price

If you own a car, or are going to buy a new one, you know you cannot wish car insurance away. It is a must and depends upon a lot of factors such as your age, marital status, location, and the size of the car of course. There are some factors that are out of you control such as your age and marital status, but if you choose the car carefully, you can cut down on the cost of insurance. The price of insuring a car is going steep with every passing year and it pays to be a little careful when negotiating with the insurance company. You can have the best policy for your car and still save some money. Here is how.
Compare the rates
Insurance policy is just a product, and you have every right to shop around like you did for your car. Compare the products offered by different insurance companies for their features, coverage and rates. There is a cut throat competition in the insurance sector, and if you negotiate with any company, you have every chance of getting a better deal.
Compare deductibles
This is important if you feel you are not going to claim for small damages to your car. You get a lower premium offer if you do not take deductibles.
Avoid accidents and get low premiums
Make sure to drive slowly to avoid accidents. You can lose your good driver discount if you get tickets or face accidents. If you have a good record over the last few years, you stand to save a lot on car insurance.
Good credit score means low insurance
If you have been paying bills on time and have a good credit history, you are sure to get a better insurance rate than someone with a poor credit score.
Keep insurance cover active
This is one advice that comes in handy when you face a mishap and have to pay for damages out of your own pocket if your car insurance has lapsed. Keep the cover active and be carefree.
Choose covers depending upon your needs
Read the policy carefully and opt out of certain coverage if you feel they are not suitable for you and you arte paying unnecessarily for them. This lowers your car insurance rates.
The most important method to save on car insurance is to shop around. Bargain hard with insurance companies just as you do for other products.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Travel Insurance Looks Set to Be More Important in 2011

A lot happened in the world of travel in 2010, from strikes and volcanic ash disruption to the collapse of tour operators and problems with airlines and snow. Insurance specialists and travellers alike are hoping 2011 is a little less dramatic.
It seems that following the travel chaos of last year travel insurance has become vitally important to people when booking a holiday. Whether it's annual multi trip insurance or single trip travel insurance, it seems that more and more people seeing the benefit of having the right travel insurance policy for their holiday.
People planning a holiday in 2011, be it a trip of a life-time or a short break, are being advised to make sure they get the right policy that gives them the best cover for travel and any disruptions that may occur. The correct insurance policy can cover travellers for disruptions and delays, accidents and emergencies, losses and theft as well as medical treatment and repatriation.
In 2010 many people found that they were left out of pocket after their insurers refused to pay out during the disruption caused by the volcanic ash and other events. When planning a holiday it's important to consider what may go wrong to make sure that the policy you take out will provide you with an acceptable level of cover.
People travelling with family or friends who have or have had cancer or any other pre-existing medical condition are being advised to check their travel insurance policy to make sure they are covered should their travel plans be affected by illnesses of anyone in the party who has bought their insurance elsewhere.
Travel insurance through bank accounts, or other general added benefit schemes, provide travellers with standard cover - they do not provide cover for pre existing medical conditions if they have not been disclosed. Importantly, they also don't cover accompanying travellers should a member of the party fall ill and travel be disrupted if the policy holder has not disclosed this information. Making sure you disclose any pre existing medical conditions and taking out the relevant medical insurance will ensure that you have the best cover possible.
Insurance specialists have given people a few pointers on what to consider when planning their holiday for 2011:
· Pick your destination carefully if you are travelling off the beaten track
· Take note of any information released by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office
· If you're on medication take more than you need, just in case you are delayed or your stay is extended unexpectedly
· Disclose any pre existing medical conditions that you, or anyone in your travelling party has
· Disclose details of any activities you may be taking part in that may not be covered by a standard travel insurance policy
· Keep travel insurance policy details with you when you travel in case you need to make a claim
· Understand the limitations of the policy, for example the level of cover for a single item, which is usually about £250.
Davd John Martin writes for Firegrass communications, in association with World First travel insurance providers of annual multi trip insurance amongst many other specific packages.
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Medicare Changes Set for 2011

As we're heading into the final quarter of 2010, many eyes are on what will happen in 2011 with regard to changes to Medicare.
There's been quite a lot of controversy about the new Affordable Care Act," comments Alan Weinstock, insurance broker, at MedicareSupplementPlans. "Many people, especially seniors, are confused about how this new law will affect their Medicare or other health insurance coverage."
2011 Medicare Changes
Well, according to the National Council on Aging, here is what Medicare beneficiaries can expect in 2011:
Annual Wellness Visit: Starting 12 months after their initial Medicare exam, beneficiaries can have an exam with their physician every 12 months thereafter without paying any deductible or co-pays.
Closing the Donut Hole: Medicare beneficiaries who reach the gap, known as the "donut hole," in prescription drug coverage in 2011 will get a 50 percent savings in name brand drugs along with a reduction in costs for generic drugs. Additional discounts will continue up through 2019.
Medicare Advantage Plans: It is important to note that there is a new, shorter annual open enrollment period from January 1 through February 15, 2011. Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan can use this 45-day enrollment period to change from Medicare Advantage to original Medicare only. They cannot change to another Medicare Advantage plan.
In addition, a special enrollment period to join a prescription drug plan will also apply, although there will not be a guaranteed issuance of a Medicare Supplement Plan, or Medigap, unless other rights apply.
Medicare beneficiaries who are enrolled in a prescription drug and/or Medicare Advantage plan and who have questions about how changes from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) might affect them, should consider contacting their state Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP), a free statewide health insurance counseling service for Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers.
Medicare Beneficiaries in California Have HICAP
California seniors can reach out to service organizations for assistance. There are counselors who are available through the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP), a volunteer program that provides free, unbiased Medicare counseling and information.
Victor Ben is an expert author and has more then 5 years of experience in writing Technical articles like Medicare Insurance, Medicare Supplemental Comparison, Medigap Insurance California, Medicare Plans.
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Monday, January 9, 2012

Medicare Part D 2011 Enrollment Periods Change

Health care reform has meant some significant changes to enrollment periods for Medicare Part D insurance. The key to enrolling in the best Part D plan for 2011 is knowing when you can and cannot enroll or make changes to your Part D insurance coverage. Special Election Periods (SEP) aside, there have traditionally been two main enrollment periods for Part D. The Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) and the Open Enrollment period (OEP). The AEP will continue to be the time for Medicare beneficiaries to enroll in, or make changes to their Part D Medicare plan. The OEP, on the other hand, will no longer be available. This was the enrollment period that began on January 1 and ended March 31. During this period, members were able to make like-to-like plan switches. The only enrollment period available for 2011 Part D plans will be the AEP. The AEP begins on November 15 and ends December 31. After this period, there will be a dis-enrollment period for Medicare Advantage plan members. Advantage plan members who would like to dis-enroll from their plan can do so beginning January 1 through February 14. If they choose to dis-enroll, they will have an opportunity to return to original Medicare and purchase a stand-alone Part D insurance plan. After that period members will be locked into their choice until December 31. You will need to make your choice count since your freedom to make plan changes has be lessened. Shop online to compare Medicare Part D insurance plans for 2011 to save time. Plan aspects that you should consider include:
  • The plan's formulary. Make sure your prescription drugs are included.
  • Compare co-pays from one plan to the next.
  • Compare individual drugs to determine if one plan includes them in a lower or higher tier than another plan.
  • Make sure your pharmacy will accept the plan and also compare mail order benefits.
  • Check to see if a plan will give you some coverage in the Donut Hole if there is a chance you may reach it.
  • Compare Part D insurance plans to determine if an annual deductible is required.
  • Consider the plan's premium in relation to all other concerns.
All of these factors will take on a little more importance for 2011 due to the Medicare Part D insurance enrollment changes. Do your homework and make your choice based on sound analysis.
David Forbes is President of Alliance Marketing Associates, Inc. David enables older adults to make informed decisions to protect their health and wealth. He also offers helpful advice on topics related to insurance for seniors, including an unbiased review of the Humana Walmart-Preferred RX Plan.
Sign up for your Free Mini-Course on Medicare Plans at
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Don't Let Your Life Insurance Be Taxed - 2011 Is Just Around the Corner

2011 seems like a long way away. Heck, 2008 isn't even two months old. But if you're looking at it from an estate tax point of view, 2011 is just around the corner. Failure to plan ahead could result in more of your money going to the government instead of your family.
First, let's look at the current state of the estate tax. This year, everyone has a two million dollar estate tax exemption. This means every individual can pass up to two million dollars to their heirs free from tax. Next year that exemption goes up to three and a half million, and in 2010, there is no estate tax. Sounds great, but in 2011, under current law, the exemption drops down to one million dollars. In 2011, a lot of people that have nothing to worry about over the next three years will suddenly have a taxable estate. So why worry about that now? Because of the three year look-back period used by the IRS.
Of all the assets in an individual's estate, life insurance is probably the easiest to remove. Life insurance proceeds are not subject to income tax, but they are subject to estate tax if they were owned by the deceased at the time of death. So, by transferring the ownership of the life insurance it is possible to eliminate the proceeds from the estate and reduce the estate tax. However, if this is done within three years of death, the IRS can pull it back into the estate and the death benefits will be taxed as part of the estate. Few people buy life insurance with the intent of giving almost half to the government.
Therefore, if you have an estate that does or likely will exceed one million dollars in 2011, it's not too early to begin thinking about adjusting your assets to ensure more goes to your heirs, and less goes to the government. Please be aware, transferring ownership of life insurance can create a lot of unintended consequences. Be sure to consult with your financial advisors before making any transfers.
Bart Scovill is an attorney with Scovill & Scovill, PLC in Sarasota, Florida. He has been practicing in the areas of Wills & Trusts, Probate, Guardianship and Business Law since 1993. Prior to Law School, he served four years in the United States Army and was honorably discharged in 1985. Outside of the office, he enjoys snow skiing with his family and teaching and training in Karate.
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Sunday, January 8, 2012

New UK Car Insurance Laws - April 2011

From April 2011, it will be illegal to own a car in the UK that is not insured even if you don't drive or keep it on a public road unless you have a current and valid Statutory Off Road Notice (SORN) registered with the Driver & Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA).
This new law is being introduced in an effort to clamp down on the over 1 million un-insured drivers using their cars on UK roads every year. With the cost of insurance rising every year due to the increased number of claims involving these vehicles with no 3rd party insurance cover and a minimum of £30 added to the premium of law abiding citizens, the government and the motor insurance industry is finally taking the bull by the horn and dealing with this public menace.
Once the new car insurance laws come into effect, every car that is registered with the DVLA will have its details checked against the Motor Insurance Bureau (MIB) database, and the registered keeper of any vehicle that does not have insurance will automatically be contacted via an Insurance Advisory Letter (IAL), giving them steps they need to take to avoid action being taken against him/her.
Failure to get the car insured could result in:
1. A fine of £100.
2. The offending vehicle being immobilized, impounded and eventually destroyed.
3. The registered owner facing prosecution with a possible maximum of £1000.
In order for you not to fall foul of these new car insurance laws, you need to either get a minimum of 3rd party insurance cover on any vehicles registered in your name, or if the car is not being currently used, file a Statutory Off Road Notice with the DVLA informing them that it is kept off road (driveway, garage) and not currently being used or driven.
The government and the motor insurance industry is hoping that these new laws will drastically cut the number of un-insured cars being driven on UK roads and as a result a drop in insurance premiums for all law abiding citizens.
Shola Ogunlokun is a qualified and approved UK instructor, providing driving lessons in Edgware. He also provides free online articles, tips and videos to help pass the UK driving test.
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Life Settlement Predictions For 2011

As 2010 draws to a close and the dawn of a new year beckons, those in the life settlement industry look forward with renewed optimism. By most accounts, the life settlement industry's bottom is behind us and the secondary life insurance market is now in the process of recovering. How much and how fast is still to be determined. However, below are the Top 10 Predictions For Life Settlements in 2011.
1) Secondary Market To See Increased Buying. As everyone knows, capital has been slowly reentering the market but it is still off the highs experienced prior to the Great Recession. Much of the activity in 2010 was focused on tertiary trades and investors looking for distressed policies or portfolios. As those opportunities become less available in 2011, capital will be redirected to secondary market activities and policy origination.
2) Private Equity Will Arrive: As the investment banks and other types of investors left the market in 2009 and 2010, everyone has been anxious to identify the next big player. Much attention has been paid to Private Equity and in 2011 it will arrive. Rumors have been swirling that PEG's have been looking for acquisitions of established market players and have recently started funding some providers.
3) Small investors will make a splash: Many have been waiting for institutional investors to flood the life settlement market with capital, while forgetting that high net worth individuals and family offices in aggregate have the potential to play a serious role. With an eye towards diversification and predictable returns, expect accredited investors and family offices to be active buyers, as never before, in 2011.
4) Higher Life Settlement Broker Utilization In the past, it has been relatively easy for producers to act as de facto life settlement brokers. However, new industry best practices suggest life settlement brokers are preferred as intermediaries for policy owners interested in selling their policy. Not only are brokers more able to source small pockets of capital, but more stringent licensing, regulatory and compliance requirements make it difficult for anyone but brokers to effectively navigate the landscape. 2011 will see producers more likely to refer cases to brokers than try to handle them autonomously as they may have in the past.
5) Continued Push Towards Regulation While approximately 20% of the states remain unregulated, the writing is on the wall that change is imminent. Some of the key unregulated states already have legislation in the works and consumer protection is a hot button issue that resonates with legislators. Expect the trend of consumer friendly life settlement regulation to continue in 2011.
6) Agents and Advisors Will Have To Address Life Settlements Like Never Before In 2011 expect numerous states to adopt the new NCOIL model act requiring carriers to notify consumers of the life settlement option when policies are to be surrendered or allowed to lapse. Agents and financial advisors that previously didn't consider settlements in their practices will now be forced to address the issue as carriers drive policy holders with questions and inquiries to those on the insurance front lines.
7) Greater Focus On Information Security For too long, sensitive insured and policy owner information has been transmitted between agents, brokers and providers using insecure methods such as email. In 2011, as industry best practices demand secure data transfer, expect much higher utilization of specialized life settlement software such as Settlewerx and others.
8) Smaller Providers While the big players aren't going anywhere, expect the trend of boutique providers serving smaller pockets of money and niche investors to continue into 2011.
9) Asian Investment US and European investors are the stalwarts of US life settlement investments. In 2011, expect to see more capital coming from Asia and the Middle East, which are relatively untapped sources of investment capital. Newly established offices and initiatives in that part of the world should begin to produce new funding sources in the coming year.
10) Broader Buying Parameters While cherry picking great policies at a discount was the name of the game in 2010, expect 2011 to bring a broader approach to buying. With increasing competition for policies, buyers will have to consider cases that might not have otherwise received bids in 2010.
With the broader economy improving and capital returning to the markets, 2011 promises to be an improved life settlement environment. For those that were able to survive the past two tumultuous years, they will hopefully be rewarded with a fruitful 2011.
To learn more about life settlement brokers, please visit Christian Evulich's technorati article for the latest trends and information on the secondary life insurance market.
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Home Insurance Study Shows Improved Customer Satisfaction Among Insurers

In their 2011 National Homeowners and Auto Insurance study, J.D. Power and Associates reported that customers are more satisfied with their home insurance providers this year compared to last year. Despite this major improvement, satisfaction of ones homeowners insurance, renters Insurance and car insurance companies was still below the study completed in the 2008-2009 study.
As the President and Managing agent of Insure Direct since 1992, I find this very interesting information. I feel there is major component missing from the study which is very important if you are looking to find whom is a happy customer and whom is not. My question is were the homeowners/auto insurance customers surveyed from a Direct Online Insurance market sample of customers or were these customers picked from those homeowners & auto Insurance carriers whom are represented by an independent insurance agent which represents the insurance customer.
The study took into account five major variables which are price, claims, interaction, billing and payment, and policy features. On the whole, satisfaction in 2010 was at 750 points but improved to 769 points in 2011. The progress touched all the five factors but the biggest growth was on the interaction variable. I don't see where having an agent was a variable. Bottom line, having an advocate which has your best interest at heart is very important when you have issues which cause concern.
In comparison to auto insurance customer satisfaction that reached an average of 790 points in 2011, homeowners' insurance satisfaction is still way below par. This is according to another J.D. Power and Associates survey, the National Auto Insurance Study released in June, 2011. However, for both homeowners and auto insurance, satisfaction levels have increased since 2010. With Auto Insurance Rates on the decline, I can understand why customers would feel better about both their Homeowers Insurance and Auto Insurance. Price seem to be an inportant factor. You have a tendency to let small irratants go when the price you pay is lower. Not only do customers at Insure Direct enjoy a lower rate from the carriers they represent, customer service, claims handling and billing are superior to other carriers in the business.
One interesting outcome emerged from both the homeowners and auto insurance customer satisfaction ratings for 2011, particularly, on the pricing factor. Greater satisfaction was found in homeowner/renters insurance policy holders with bundled policies as compared to those without. On the other hand, the reverse was noted in the auto insurance survey whereby individuals with a single car insurance policy reported greater price satisfaction as compared to those with bundled policies.
Flood insurance also played a key role in this year's home insurance satisfaction survey. Less than 1 out of 10 homeowners had flood insurance in New England and Mid-Atlantic regions; and this was before Hurricane Irene struck. In contrast, over 25 percent of homeowners in the Gulf region had flood insurance via different sources, such as their homeowners insurance provider, state funded flood covers or other providers.
The survey also reported less satisfaction among flood insurance policy holders, at 735 points, compared with satisfaction levels of earthquake insurance policy holders, which was 31 points higher.
Jeremy Bowler, senior director at J.D. Power and Associates, expressed that 2011 has been an unexpectedly difficult year due to numerous natural disasters affecting the country which underscored the importance of owning adequate homeowners insurance coverage. If you are represented by an independent agent such as Insure Direct; these items are discussed in detail. You don't need to worry if you checked off the correct box when buying insurance coverage from a paper applications or mail in card or an online form.
Written by Mike Dortch
Michael E. Dortch
President & Managing Agent
Insure Direct
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2011's Best New Cars

Many of the best new cars for 2011 have advanced safety features that keep you and your passengers more secure as well as making your insurance agent happy. Keep in mind when considering a new car the potential cost of your cover insurance, and seek an online car insurance quote to help you make the final purchase decision.
The Tesla Roadster for 2011 is the gold-standard for electric vehicles, with a price to match at £86950. Manufactured at the Lotus plant in Hethel, England, the 2011 Roadster can travel up to 386 km on a single charge - compared to the electric Nissan Leaf, which has a range of 161 km. Performance-wise, this revolutionary electric car goes from 0-96.5 km/h in 3.7 seconds. However, the manufacturer announced in January 2011 that Roadster production will be suspended until 2013, so this is the year to snap up your Tesla Roadster, available by order.
The 2011 Chevrolet Volt is the long-awaited electric/petrol hybrid that has been heralded as the most fuel-efficient vehicle available on the world market. Named Car of the Year for 2011 by Motor Trend magazine, the Volt can travel up to 65 km on an electric charge, at which point the petrol-powered generator kicks in to assist the electric engine. While the manufacturer is not due to release the Volt in Europe and the UK until November of 2011, speculates the MSRP will be near £25,500. The Opal/Vauxhall Amper, the European spec version of the same automobile, will sell for £28,995 after deducting a £5000 government subsidy.
Family Category
Subaru Outback, Motor Trend's SUV of the year, ranks high in the family category for 2011 with a roomier interior than the 2010 version, combining superior all-wheel-drive performance with a family-friendly ride. The manufacturer introduced its new turbo Boxer diesel Outback in 2011, with a 2.0-litre, 1,998cc engine. This updated diesel engine boasts reduced carbon emissions and improved fuel efficiency, and comes standard with a 6-speed manual transmission. Dual-stage deployment airbags and a reinforced body structure provide a safe family environment, and you will notice the difference in online car insurance quotes. The base price for the Outback 2.0D is £27995.
Luxury Sport Category
The 2011 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Cabriolet is made in Stuttgart, Germany. A rear-wheel drive, performance vehicle that races from 0-96.5 km/h in 5 seconds (Model E500), the Cabriolet nevertheless delivers solid handling even on curving, slick roadways. The luxurious interior has heated seats, burl walnut wood trim on premium models and a DVD-based navigation system. A Pre-Safe sensory system anticipates potential danger by adjusting seats and positioning headrests for an anticipated impact. Featuring a retractable all-weather soft-top, the Cabriolet is outfitted for luxurious travel. The base price for the E200 sport model is £36755.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Medicare Supplement Insurance - What Are the 2011 Deductibles, Coinsurance, and Co-Pays It Covers?

Medicare has finally released the numbers for the 2011 gaps in Medicare parts A & B. Understanding what these exposures are can help you quantify the value of purchasing a Medicare supplement and even provides some interesting insight and questions. Could there be a metaphorical "slight-of-hand" included from Medicare regarding inflation? If so, why? Read on to find out.
Let's go over the facts first. Here is a list of the exposures included with Medicare parts A & B in 2011.
Medicare Premiums for 2011:
Part A: (Hospital Insurance)Premium
  • Most people do not pay a monthly Part A premium because they or a spouse has 40 or more quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
  • The Part A premium is $248.00 per month for people having 30-39 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
  • The Part A premium is $450.00 per month for people who are not otherwise eligible for premium-free hospital insurance and have less than 30 quarters of Medicare-covered employment.
Part B: (Medical Insurance) Premium
Most beneficiaries will continue to pay the same $96.40 or $110.50 premium amount in 2011. Beneficiaries who currently have the Social Security Administration (SSA) withhold their Part B premium and have incomes of $85,000 or less (or $170,000 or less for joint filers) will not have an increase in their Part B premium in 2011. For additional details, see our FAQ titled: Will my Medicare Part B premium increase in 2011?.
For all others, the standard Medicare Part B monthly premium will be $115.40 in 2011, which is a 4.4% increase over the 2010 premium. The Medicare Part B premium is increasing in 2011 due to possible increases in Part B costs. If your income is above $85,000 (single) or $170,000 (married couple), then your Medicare Part B premium may be higher than $115.40 per month. For additional details, see our FAQ titled: "2011 Part B Premium Amounts for Persons with Higher Income Levels".
Medicare Deductible and Coinsurance Amounts for 2010:
Part A: (pays for inpatient hospital, skilled nursing facility, and some home health care) For each benefit period Medicare pays all covered costs except the Medicare Part A deductible (2011 = $1,132) during the first 60 days and coinsurance amounts for hospital stays that last beyond 60 days and no more than 150 days.
For each benefit period you pay:
  • A total of $1,132 for a hospital stay of 1-60 days.
  • $283 per day for days 61-90 of a hospital stay.
  • $566 per day for days 91-150 of a hospital stay (Lifetime Reserve Days).
  • All costs for each day beyond 150 days
Skilled Nursing Facility Coinsurance
  • $141.50 per day for days 21 through 100 each benefit period.
Part B: (covers Medicare eligible physician services, outpatient hospital services, certain home health services, durable medical equipment)
  • $162.00 per year. (Note: You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for services after you meet the $162.00 deductible.)
Now let's compare reality of the new benefit outline for Medicare part A & B to the claim by Medicare that there was no inflation for Social Security recipients in 2010 causing Social Security to decline providing a cost-of-living adjustment in Social Security income.
A bit earlier this year Social Security broke the bad news to Social Security recipients that, for the second year in a row, they would not be providing an increase in Social Security income. They claimed there was not an increase in inflation. Huh? They could've fooled millions of Social Security recipients. Food, gas, insurance, entertainment, etc., all seem to be higher this year than they were a year ago... or two years ago. Heck, the above information even shows that Medicare exposure went up (due to increased costs). If that's not inflation what is?
Here's the interesting thing Social Security decided to do in order to keep Social Security recipients from grabbing their pitchforks. As you can see from the information above, Medicare decided not to raise the Medicare part B premium for people that have been on Medicare prior to 2011. If your part B starts in 2011 your premium is actually slightly higher than Medicare recipients whose part B started in December 2010 or earlier.
As this is the first time Medicare has structured part B premium increases in this way you have to wonder if someone at Social Security decided that it would be best not to upset people by increasing their part B premiums when they were just told they wouldn't be given a cost of living adjustment in their Social Security income because there was no inflation for the second year in a row. It's hard to understand any other reason they would have done this. However, that's like a bear trying to hide behind a sapling oak. They're trying to hide the fact there really was inflation by not raising the part B premiums for existing Medicare recipients but everything else tells us inflation has occurred.
Maybe they'll fool some of the people; however, it might be more acceptable to treat Social Security recipients as adults and tell them the real reason there was not an increase. But what if it's that the government is trying to save money to pay for the national health care program for everybody? That probably wouldn't go over too well. So, maybe it just makes more sense to lie. It's worked before.
Richard Cantu is President of GoMedigap, one of the nation's largest Medicare supplemental insurance agencies. The mission of GoMedigap agents is to help Medicare recipients understand how Medicare supplements work and help them shop the market for the best combination of coverage and lower premiums. Visit for additional information and resources including rates from such companies as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Mutual of Omaha, and many others.
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